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The Object Finding Rescue Bot

For this project, we are creating a mobile robot whose goal is to find specific objects and navigate to them. The robot has four wheels and its front wheels turn using a 180 degree servo, allowing navigation similar to that of a real car. It is equipped with a camera and several sensors including ultrasonic sensors that will help it avoid obstacles within a closed environment. It will be tested first in a closed environment and then on the swiss alps in the real world.

Thanks Professor Parker!
Other Projects by our Team: Intro


The project has progressed well. We have included the Rasberry Pi and the digital camera and all of the servos are attached and functional. We are able to remotely control the robot from a computer. The next steps are to implement the color-finding algorithm.

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Other Projects by our Team: Body


Wrapping Everything Up

In the end, we were able to implement an effective algorithm to follow a red ball. The robot finds the ball through its camera using computer vison (Hough Transformation) and then uses that information to follow the ball. The frame and artwork was made by Nikesh and the body and code were made by Niko and Jake.

Other Projects by our Team: Conclusion


Other Projects by our Team: Video


The following is our python code used.

Other Projects by our Team: Text
Other Projects by our Team: Pro Gallery
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